Masaan is Neeraj Ghaywan's first full length film as a director. Set in Banaras, the movie follows 2 stories that converge at a later stage. Richa Chadda as Devi Pathak, and Sanjay Mishra as Vidyadhar Pathak (Richa's father), are convincing in their roles and their struggle and acting feels real.
Vicky Kaushal as Deepak Chaudhary, and Shweta Tripathi as Shaalu, are the other half of the story. Masaan has the right amount of every element that makes a perfect film - love, society, sexual encounter, relationships, death. The film wonderfully explores love and relationships in small-town in modern India. The constant struggle faced by people who want to explore their lives and be free of the burden of the society and its rules.
The dialogues, the music and the locations blend in a perfect way to create a cinematic experience that will leave you with lots of emotions. It will make you smile, it will make you cry, it will make you feel the pain and suffering of the actors and their characters. (Song) Mann Kasturi Re by Indian Ocean is a soulful composition.
Avinash Arun, Cinematographer of this film is the Director of Killa (Marathi film), and deserves the credit for the amazing camera work and portraying Banaras and the banks of river Ganga in a picturesque way. Neeraj Ghaywan's hardwork has really paid-off in a big way. To take a risk of making a movie where the actors are in a complete de-glamourized way is a big achievement in itself.
Massan, being an Indo-French co-production got a Cannes showing before it was released in India and that also added to the much hype around the film. It also won 2 awards at the said film festival. Masaan will leave you with emotions and thoughts that will shape your thinking of the society and encourage you to take a deeper look at the happenings in the country.
This film is not to be missed for anything and truly, it is not your average cinema to be ignored.
Vicky Kaushal as Deepak Chaudhary, and Shweta Tripathi as Shaalu, are the other half of the story. Masaan has the right amount of every element that makes a perfect film - love, society, sexual encounter, relationships, death. The film wonderfully explores love and relationships in small-town in modern India. The constant struggle faced by people who want to explore their lives and be free of the burden of the society and its rules.
The dialogues, the music and the locations blend in a perfect way to create a cinematic experience that will leave you with lots of emotions. It will make you smile, it will make you cry, it will make you feel the pain and suffering of the actors and their characters. (Song) Mann Kasturi Re by Indian Ocean is a soulful composition.
Avinash Arun, Cinematographer of this film is the Director of Killa (Marathi film), and deserves the credit for the amazing camera work and portraying Banaras and the banks of river Ganga in a picturesque way. Neeraj Ghaywan's hardwork has really paid-off in a big way. To take a risk of making a movie where the actors are in a complete de-glamourized way is a big achievement in itself.
Massan, being an Indo-French co-production got a Cannes showing before it was released in India and that also added to the much hype around the film. It also won 2 awards at the said film festival. Masaan will leave you with emotions and thoughts that will shape your thinking of the society and encourage you to take a deeper look at the happenings in the country.
This film is not to be missed for anything and truly, it is not your average cinema to be ignored.
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